Foam packaging success stories

SmartBagger with Maxwell foam packing system decreases cost and improves efficiency for automotive 3PL.

The SmartBagger foam in place (FIP) system with Maxwell intelligent interface provides a robust, end-user experience with the touch of a finger. This includes a personalized touchscreen to meet specific company objectives and virtually unlimited barcoding. Check out the features and applications of foam in place.

Packaging problem

A 3PL company receives various car parts for a luxury automotive brand and repackages them for distribution. The parts are then shipped to their next destination where further assembly is required. The parts get received in returnable steel cases, and those containers are sent back to the manufacturer for further use. Over 1,000 different manufacturers send car parts to this third party logistics’ facility.

The 3PL was using a collection of cross linked die-cut polyethylene foam pieces that were applied to a corrugated sheet manually. The assembled packaging was placed into a corrugated shipper with the parts placed on the top. There were several pain points to this packaging process.

Packaging pain points with their old process:

  • Labor intensive to assemble
  • Packaging components required a lot of money and space
  • Each pack out was approx. $45

Packaging solution

A foam packing solution was brought up to the 3PL, but they wanted to be certain it could deliver both in performance and cost reductions. A SmartBagger with Maxwell trial was started, and they quickly saw the benefits to foam in place packaging.

Their solution now had a foam packing pad in the bottom of the corrugated shipper. Several automotive parts are placed on the top, with another pad placed on top and repeated. They filled 6 corrugated boxes per master shipper now. With the SmartBagger foam packing solution, the company brought its pack out costs to $10. Remember they were paying upwards of $45 for each pack out. This solution freed up more inventory space, they reduced labor amounts and costs, and improved their efficiency. A consistent foam pack out increased their consistency as well. The foam in place system proved to be much better than the old manual processes they had before. The company now currently uses 4 systems for use in their 3 product lines.