Consumer Packaged Goods - Ecommerce Changes in Packaging
22 Apr

Consumer Packaged Goods - Ecommerce Changes in Packaging

What are Consumer Packaged Goods? Consumer Packaged Goods, (or CPGs), are products that are sold quickly at a relatively low cost. Just think of those household items with daily use such as beverages, paper products, non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, etc. These items are shipped quickly and need to be restocked at home on a routine basis...
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Reducing the cost of shipping with dunnage airbags
11 Feb

Reducing the cost of shipping with dunnage airbags

Total cost of shipping The total cost of shipping doesn’t just relate to the cost of the freight to get your load from your facility to the point of sale. It also includes hidden costs, such as: Visible damage Concealed damage Labor costs Safety issues Customer satisfaction The difference between visible damage and concealed damage can be the...
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