Testing for package safety
10 Dec

Testing for package safety

Package Safety Package testing is a very important part of package safety. There are many different type of packages and package protection material that companies use, all of which have undergone some sort of testing. Things to know when learning about package safety: Will the package itself protect the product? How are packages tested? How efficient...
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eBook: How about a little shipping accountability?
22 May

eBook: How about a little shipping accountability?

When it comes to determining product damage, someone with true shipping accountability is king. Logistics is all about preparing for the unforeseen. It is the science of product risk management. Picking, pulling, packaging, loading, and shipping: at some point, you're going to experience some kind of damage, somewhere in the supply chain...
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eBook: Shipping accountability helps prevent product damage, profit losses
12 May

eBook: Shipping accountability helps prevent product damage, profit losses

Shipping accountability makes revenue management and damage reduction easier Shipping food requires specific environmental controls and accountability. Are you sure your products are being cared for once they leave your facility? Manufacturers, distributors, and carriers are left to absorb the cost of damages when packaging, handling, and...
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Shockwatch: safeguard supply chain accountability
13 Mar

Shockwatch: safeguard supply chain accountability

Why is accountability important? We live in a fairly litigious society; everyone desires that accountability  to protect themselves and their products. Commerce and trade make up a big part of all of our lives. So it should surprise no one that the safety of your products being shipped has become an even greater concern.  Businesses have...
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