The 6 questions that will help determine which strapping is right for you

If you’re still confused with all the different advantages and disadvantages of plastic or steel strapping, ask yourself these simple questions determine which strapping method you should use for your application.straps on a pallet

  1. Is the load heavy and stable? If so, use steel strapping.
  2. Does it need to travel a long distance? If so, use steel strapping.
  3. Will it need to be loaded and unloaded many times before destination? If so, use steel strapping.
  4. Is the load fragile, prone to devaluation if scratched? If so, use polyester strapping.
  5. How experienced are your employees using steel strapping? If they are not very experienced, you should use polyester strapping.
  6. What is your budget? As commented, steel strapping is more expensive than polyester strapping, although they are not always used for the same applications.

Production of high quality, high strength plastic strapping has not been much of an issue for quite some time. Traditionally, the only thing holding back conversions from the heaviest of steel strapping to plastic was the technology available when it came to the tooling used to apply plastic strapping.

In the last few years, we have seen the introduction of tools capable of handling the largest and heaviest plastic strapping. Not only does this tooling work, but it often works better than what is available for the steel strap it is replacing.

"More decision-makers are opting away from steel because it lacks the stretch and recovery of polyester strapping." "More decision-makers are opting away from steel because it lacks the stretch and recovery of polyester strapping."

Most of the leading tool manufacturers recognize that steel strapping is becoming a thing of the past. With that in mind, most major manufacturers are directing their resources to developing new plastic strapping tools. The result is that steel tools are often older designs, because all of engineering resources are going towards the development of newer and better plastic strapping tools.

Testing to make sure your choice in strap is right for your application previous to implementing a change is very important. The potential for injury is present when loads fail, and preventing injury should always be top priority. Beyond making safe choices in conversions, consider safety of use.

Because, honestly, how safe is steel strap?

No matter how high the quality of the steel strap, it is dangerous to handle, apply, and remove. While cost savings are important to companies today, the number one reason conversions to plastic occur is to avoid injury or in response to it.

With the tooling technology needed to apply plastic strapping improving at a rapid pace, it is not a matter of if a company will convert from steel to plastic, but when.

The main advantages of choosing poly strapping

  1.  It effectively eliminates strapping-related worker mishaps.
  2. It's as strong or stronger than steel.
  3. It does not damage products.
  4. It's easier to handle.
  5. It's cost effective.
  6. It's self-adjusting.
  7. It will not rust or rot and is chemical resistant.
  8. It can be custom printed.